In order to change the information associated with your account (email address, password, telephone, etc.), please follow these steps:
Updating your profile:
- Sign into your Point2 account at
- Click the Name of your account on the left panel
- Click Edit profile
- Make sure Profile tab is selected:
- On this tab you can modify all the info associated with your profile
- Click Save to commit your changes
Updating your office details:
- Sign into your Point2 account at
- Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner
- Click Edit Profile
- Select Office tab
- On this tab you can modify all the info associated with your office
- Click Save to commit your changes
Updating your user accounts:
- Sign into your Point2 account at
- Click the Name of your account on the left hand side
- Click Manage Users
- Choose the Edit link located next to the picture of the user you wish to edit
- This will take you to the user account where you can modify all info associated with the user
- Click Save to commit your changes
Please note that if you are the primary user for this account, you will need to modify your email address, address and contact numbers in the office account as well.
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